Beyond Meat Burgers Review

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In this post, I’ll give you a review for the increasingly popular Beyond Meat burgers. When I made the decision to become vegetarian, I knew it wouldn’t be too hard of a transition for me since I never really was a huge fan of meat in the first place. When eating out, I always found myself taking half the lunch meat off of a sandwich even. So I definitely don’t base my choices off of what most resembles meat. I just try my best to remain open minded and try all options available. Beyond Meat burgers not only make your transition easier, they’re also very tasty!

 I never want anyone to feel like I pushed my views on them. My husband still actually eats meat. However, the amount he eats is very reduced. I only make vegetarian and vegan meals at home, and he’s so good about it! 😊 Even my husband really likes these burgers! They definitely are a good option if you’re looking for a yummy meatless burger that isn’t a veggie patty. It is still full of vegetables though! It also has a lot of protein!

Now the down side. It is high in fat and sodium but still less than a regular meat burger. You just need to keep your fat and sodium intake in mind. The company has slightly changed these burgers from when they originally released them. They are now “meatier.” I actually preferred them the original way because they weren’t as thick. Maybe you won’t mind that, but I like to press them out to flatten them a bit. We add BBQ sauce to both sides while cooking them which helps them stay moist. These burgers are best on the grill since they get those nice grill marks and grill flavor! I always add ketchup, mustard, lettuce, and tomato. These are even good if you want to be healthier and put them in a lettuce wrap 😋.

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These burgers have multiple uses. I don’t just use them as burgers. I’ve used them in crock pot recipes and even chopped them up to make tacos. It was great before they came out with the Beyond Meat bricks. If you haven’t tried Beyond Meat burgers yet, you definitely should!

If you have tried Beyond Meat burgers, let me know what you think of them! Have a food in mind that you have been curious about but don’t want to spend the money since you’re not sure if it’ll be worth it? Let me know and I’ll give you a review!


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