Field Roast Frankfurters Review

Field Roast Frankfurters.jpg

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Being vegetarian or vegan can be difficult. However, there are becoming more and more alternative options! So, how do you know what is good and what is…unpleasant? I have been going through the same issue! Through this blog, I will tell you what foods I have tried and will continue to try and let you know what is worth buying! 

With warmer weather quickly approaching, everyone is going to be eager to start having cookouts. I love having family or friends over, cooking on the grill, trying all kinds of foods, and most importantly having great conversations 😊. What foods do you think of when you hear the word cookout? I think of burgers and hot dogs! I’ll start with a brand of hot dogs I have tried.

The Field Roast Frankfurters. These frankfurters are made with wheat gluten, so if you do have a sensitivity to gluten, I would probably steer away from these. I have a moderate sensitivity to wheat gluten but was fine with these. They are a little high in fat and sodium but not when you compare them to a regular meat hot dog. Otherwise, they seem decently healthy, especially considering they have 21 grams of protein in one link! Field Roast did make them look similar to meat hot dogs, including a casing that needs removed. If you’re new to the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, this may help you transition.


So, the links look good in my opinion! But how do they taste? I have found these hot dogs taste best when they are made in a pan or on the grill. I like my hot dogs with ketchup and mustard or BBQ sauce (that’s what I put on this hot dog) which helped these taste a lot better 😊. They weren’t too bad plain, just a little on the dry side but that may have been how I cooked them. It has been a long time since I’ve had a meat hot dog, but these meatless options definitely resemble them.  In my opinion, Field Roast Frankfurters are definitely worth a try!


Let me know your thoughts if you try Field Roast Frankfurters! If there are any foods you’ve been wanting to try but don’t want to spend the money, let me know and I’ll be sure to give you a review!


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