Impossible Meat Review
How was everyone’s weekend? It was so beautiful! My husband and I took full advantage of the beautiful weather by doing yard work and cooking on the grill!
Have you all heard about Impossible meat? I’m sure many are tuning in after Burger King introduced the Impossible Whopper. I first had the Impossible burger at the Cheesecake Factory. I didn’t quite know what to expect especially when they asked how I wanted it cooked. My hesitation was clear and the waitress explained that this meat is made to be similar to a real beef burger in that you can have it pinker or well done (I was nervous about getting a real beef burger by mistake). When it arrived, I dove right in and it was delicious! I have since tried Burger King’s Impossible Whopper. Burger King also did a great job, but I do prefer how the Cheesecake Factory prepared it.
The Impossible meat has now been released to a select few grocery stores! In our area, it is available at Wegmans. We got a few to try out. I first made meatless hamburger BBQ with it in the crock pot last week. I also made hamburger BBQ using the Beyond Meat but will say the impossible meat is a little better. This weekend, I used the impossible meat to make burgers. Just adding in some salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a shallot really made these burgers flavorful! I fully intended on taking a picture, but we devoured them so fast! We will definitely make them again so stay tuned for a picture.
This is from when I made the Impossible meat into meatless hamburger BBQ. It made great leftovers!
Looking over the nutrition facts, they are made with soy. Again though, if you don’t have a problem with soy and don’t eat it all of the time, the Impossible meat is a great option! Like the Beyond Meat, the Impossible meat is high in fat, but it’s also high in protein, vitamins, and is gluten and cholesterol free! Having this as another option, opens up so many possibilities!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Impossible meat if you’ve tried it at the Cheesecake Factory, Burger King, found the bricks at Wegmans, or have had it at another location! Are there other meat alternatives you’re curious about? Leave a message in the comments!