Beyond Meat Sausages Review

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Did you all enjoy the amazing weather this weekend?! We took full advantage by doing house projects outside. I also made one of our more recent favorite meals: Beyond Meat sausages with gravy and biscuits!

I highly recommend the Beyond Meat Sausages. We use them for several different meals and enjoy them every time! These plant-based sausages surprisingly do cook similarly to meat sausages. So again, if you are transitioning to vegetarian or vegan, these will definitely help make it easier. They are full of flavor and get a nice crispy outside. 😋 The Company has created two options, the Original and Hot Italian. They used to have an Italian that we would buy all the time but they no longer have it, so we use the Original mostly. I will say the Hot Italian actually isn’t that spicy which if you read my last post is really saying something! 😂

As I’ve said, I made these sausages with biscuits and gravy. We also make them on the grill and put them on buns, just eat them by themselves, and mix them in with pasta dishes. You could add them to many other meals though. Any way you cook these sausages, they turn out awesome! I more frequently make them in the pan because it’s usually more convenient 😂 but definitely make them on the grill too. While you’re cooking them, they do start out pinkish and then turn browner the longer you cook them.

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They aren’t quite as good when they’re reheated (are any foods REALLY as good when you reheat them though?), but I frequently make enough food for leftovers so we’ve gotten used to it.

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Just like the burgers, these plant-based sausages are soy-free, gluten-free, and have lots of protein! These sausages are higher in fat and sodium but still less than meat sausages. Pea protein is one of the top ingredients, but there are also fruit and vegetable juices.

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We always keep the Beyond Meat sausages on-hand for even just a quick meal. They don’t take long to cook and even my husband loves them! I can’t wait to see what else the Beyond Meat Company creates! Definitely give these sausages a try if you haven’t already!


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