LightLife Hot Dogs Review

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Happy Friday everyone! I don’t know about all of you but I’m really looking forward to the warm weather this weekend! Even some of the evenings this week weren’t too bad though. We decided to make hot dogs and roasted vegetables on the grill one day this week. The hot dogs I used this time were LightLife plant-based hot dogs.

I have actually tried these hot dogs in the past. We had a picnic potluck at my previous job one day. Many coworkers were vegetarian, vegan, or had food sensitivities, so I thought these would be a good option. I actually made them in the crock pot with a little bit of water. They tasted the best that way! This past week I did make them on the grill again which they do still taste good. What I don’t completely care for is the outside which is a little tough to chew. I do enjoy the inside though! The outside does get wrinkly when cooked on the grill. It’s almost like the outside separates from the inside. I know I’m not making them sound very appetizing! 😂

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Nutrition Facts for LightLife Hot Dogs.jpg

These hot dogs are highly processed, so they are higher in salt. However, they surprisingly don’t have much fat! They also have a lot of protein and the calories are pretty low per hot dog.

Obviously, I have a little bit of mixed feelings about these LightLife plant-based hot dogs. 😂 If you make them in the crock pot, they’re a good option. If you make them on the grill, just make sure you cook them properly and be aware that the outside can be a little off-putting. I will still continue to eat these as my hot dog option until I find something better!


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