Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch Review

Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch.jpg

Happy New Year everyone! I’m sure most of us can say the holidays looked a little different this year, but the year has also helped us appreciate what we have and each other!

First post of the New Year is a healthier but still delicious snack called Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch! I had discovered these snacks a while ago and am so glad to finally being sharing them with you all!

Who isn’t a fan of cheese curls? Cheese curls are good for a splurge, but if you’re trying to keep on track, there are healthier snacks that are better options. These Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch snacks are similar to a cheese curl. Unlike a cheese curl though which have a lighter, crisp crunch, the Beanitos snacks have a harder outside so the crunch is also harder. I don’t mind that about them at all though. They still have a nice, natural cheesy flavor. 😋 Also, they are so filling! I’ll look in the bag and think, there aren’t that many in here. Then like 6 curls in I’m getting full!

Nutrition Facts

You can feel better about eating this healthier version of a cheese curl because as you guessed from the name, they’re made from beans! So, you’ll get fiber and protein! As to be expected, there is some fat but not much sugar at all. The serving size is 18 curls, so feel free to have a bunch (unless you fill up before then like I do 😂). It’s also good that there are not that many ingredients, and you can understand all of the ingredients.

Nutrition Facts and Ingredients for Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch.jpg

On the back side of the bag, they have some cool facts about the product too! The Company is open about where the beans are grown, that they are a sustainable crop, and even that they are gluten-free and vegetarian.

Other Info for Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch.jpg
Example of Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch.jpg


I bought the Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch snack in the organic aisle at my local Giant. I have also found them at Whole Foods.

If you’re trying to start the New Year off right or just want some other snack options, try out the Beanitos Baked Bean Crunch snack! You’ll fill up fast while getting some fiber and protein!


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