Earth Balance Buttery Spread Review

Earth Balance Butter.jpg

If you’re looking for an alternative to butter, look no further! The Earth Balance buttery spread is delicious! One of my best friends had actually recommended Earth Balance because she grew up on it. You really can’t tell much of a difference between this alternative kind and real butter unless you literally have some of each right after each other. 😂 I buy the original, but there is also soy-free, organic, and olive oil versions. This buttery spread really does have a buttery taste to it. 😋 If you’re looking to transition to being vegan (I would eventually like to be vegan), this is a great option that won’t make you miss the real thing.

Nutrition Facts

Since this is a butter replacement and made from a mix of vegetable oils, it is high in fat. The amount of fat is slightly less than real butter though. Unlike real butter, there is no cholesterol! As the Company points out, there is also no MSG, it’s gluten-free, lactose-free, and vegan.

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On the front of the container, it says the buttery spread can be used to spread, fry, sauté, and bake. I have used it on foods like toast and when cooking vegetables. The only way I haven’t used the butter is in baking. I haven’t used it in baking yet because I’ve only found it in these square containers. With baking, it’s a bit easier to use sticks of butter since they have measurements on the wrapping. Apparently the Company does sell the butter in sticks, however, I haven’t been able to find them in my area yet. I plan on trying it out at some point though, so I’ll report back! 😉


I buy the Earth Balance buttery spread from Giant. You can also find it at Whole Foods, BJs, and Wegmans.

For someone that does have to watch their cholesterol (high cholesterol runs in my family), I’m very happy to have an alternative butter option that still tastes like the real thing! Give this brand a try, and I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised!


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